
Our Impact

6 Unique programs and Events

T & A Grand Theater and Media’s seasonal schedule has produced and co-produced festival style events, mainstage works and mentorship programs such as Black on Both Sides, the We are Ceremony four week intensive, the West Coast Black Circus, the Georgia Black Imminent Needs Fund, Peacock House Artist House and of course the Ten, Tiny, Talks Artist in Residency and Film Festival.

40 Trans and queer, Black and Indigenous Creatives

During the last four years T & A Grand Theater and Media and Ten, Tiny Talks Artist in Residency has served over 40 trans and queer producers, independent artists and curators who are defining Black and Indigenous modern art and reclaiming our cultural importance.

1,500 Supporting Artists

Resident artists are selected based on the provocative, authentic, and innovative proposals they present and every single one requires administrative, technical and creative casts to produce the projects successfully.

30 Filmmakers and Films…and Counting!

During an artist’s time in Ten, Tiny, Talks their work is documented via video as part of a larger archive of Black, Indigenous trans and queer history. Artists whose projects are films, have their work debuted at the Ten, Tiny, Talks Film Festival along side work by locally and internationally known filmmakers.

160,000 Audiences and Growing.

Annually, close to 50,000 new community members engage with T & A Grand Theater and Media events and programming. Changing the trauma induced narrative about trans and queer artists of Black and Indigenous heritage to one where we’re thriving. Our desire is to elevate each other and to design our own creative and resource economies.

Did you know our organization and audiences are intergenerational? We serve artists and art lovers from a broad range of ages.

Keep a great experience going and donate! Consider a contribution to T & A Grand Theater and Media and become a distinct part of making compelling art and storytelling. Your contribution is actively supporting the preservation of Black and Indigenous culture, art, customs, ceremony and wellbeing. We also invite you to become a volunteer and sign up for our mailing list which is never shared, sold or exchanged

2023 Age Demographics