Our rate for commercial work is $700- $1000 a day depending on the scope of the project. This includes grip, management, production, and distro. Reach out to info@tagrandtheaterandmedia.com
Typically, yes. It depends on the scope of the project.
We have relationships with several east and westside Portland metropolitan film studios and also can film on location. We don’t have a technical sound studio in our portfolio right now but frequently run sound with zero problems.
Beyond what’s in the contract for our film crews, no.
We definitely can-do special effects and can book time in one of our spaces to accommodate your green screen needs.
For commercial work, typically no but let’s talk about your project needs who it’s for and map out some options via info@tagrandtheaterandmedia.com
We can be. Reach out to info@tagrandtheaterandmedia.com and let’s talk!
Sometimes! We’re currently interested in contractors who have strong videography, FX, and collaboration skills, folks adept at creative technical builds and project managers. Send information about what you’re best at, number of years, resume and cover letter to info@tagrandtheaterandmedia.com
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